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Full text of "USPTO Patents Application 10560272"

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(19) World Intellectual Property 
International Bureau 

(43) International Publication Date 
13 May 2004 (13.05.2004) 


i am iiniiif » Eim hid hid ihr iiii i n m iim liin urn urn inn nn miin fin im ail 

(10) International Publication Number 

WO 2004/040285 A2 

(51) International Patent Classification 7 : 

G01N 27/00 

(21) International Application Number: 


(22) International Filing Date: 30 October 2003 (30.10.2003) 

(25) Filing Language: 

(26) Publication Language: 



(30) Priority Data: 


30 October 2002 (30.10.2002) US 

30 October 2002 (30.10.2002) US 

27 December 2002 (27.12.2002) US 

27 December 2002 (27. 1 2.2002) US 

(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): INVER- 
North, Inverness IV2 3ED (GB). 

(72) Inventor; and 

(75) Inventor/Applicant (for US only): DAVIES, Obver, 
William, Hardwicke f GB/GB] ; An Cluaran, Croy, Inver- 
nesshire 1V2 5PG (GB). 

(74) Agents: MERCER, Christopher, Paul et al.; Carpmaels 
& Ransford, 43-45 Bloomsbury Square, London WC1A 
2RA (GB). 

(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, 
AZ,J3A, BB, BG, BR, B W, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, 
CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, 
GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, 
KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, 
MW, MX, MZ, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH t PL, PT, RO, RU, 
SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, 
UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, Z W. 

(84) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (B W, GH, 
GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), 
Eurasian patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), 
European patent (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, 
ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, RO, SE, 
SI, SK, TR), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, 
GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). 


— without international search report and to be republished 
upon receipt of that report 

For two letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid- 
ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin- 
ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette. 







(57) Abstract: The present invention described a method of preconditioning a substrate in a web manufacturing process wherein the 
web manufacturing process includes a plurality of printing steps, the method comprising the steps of moving the substrate through 
the web manufacturing process under tension; heating the substrate as the substrate is passed through the printing steps, wherein the 
substrate temperature does not exceed a first predetermined temperature during the printing steps; and passing the substrate into a 
preconditioning station wherein the substrate is heated to a second temperature which exceeds the first temperature. 


WO 2004/040285 



The present invention relates, in general, to an improved process for 
manufacturing electrochemical sensors and, more particularly, to an improved web 
manufacturing process wherein a substrate is preconditioned prior to printing 
electrochemical sensor components. 


Electrochemical sensors are used in a variety of diagnostic procedures, 
including the measurement of glucose in human blood. The manufacture of such 
electrochemical sensors involves the manufacture of millions of small strips which each 
include electrodes arranged in a sample receiving cell which is adapted to receive blood or 
other bodily fluids. The bodily fluids the form complete circuit between the electrodes m 
the cell. The electrodes are generally coated with at least one reagent that reacts with the 
analyte (e.g. glucose) in the blood to form an intermediate analyte that may be measured by 
a meter adapted to measure current or charge at the electrodes. Manufacture of such 
electrochemical sensors requires the deposition of several layers of electrode material, 
insulation material and reagent in a very small space and the accuracy and arrangements of 
such layers is critical to the ultimate function of the device. Further, in order to hold down 
eosts and meet demand, it is imperative that the electrochemical sensors be manufactured 
at very high speeds and with absolute accuracy of alignment between the layers. 

Electrochemical sensors can be used for many applications. In one application, 
electrochemical sensor strip are inserted into specially adapted meters for self-monitoring 
of glucose or other analytes (such as fructosamine, haematocrit etc) in, for example, blood 
or interstitial fluid. Many analytes can be tested using such electrochemical sensors, 
depending upon the design of the electrochemical sensor, the arrangement of the 


WO 2004/040285 


electrodes, the reagent used and other factors. Many of these applications, and in particular 
strips for testing glucose, require sensor layouts of a particular size and construction, where 
the manufacture is done within particular tolerances to render the electrochemical sensors 
having characteristics which are as predictable and repeatable as possible. 

The manufacturing process is further complicated by the need to manufacture 
sensors many sensors very quickly where the sensors have very small cell sizes and, 
therefore, very small electrodes within very tight tolerances. When testing blood or 
interstitial fluid glucose, one of the main factors discouraging regular testing is the pain 
involved in extracting the required amount of blood or interstitial fluid A larger volume 
typically requires a greater amount of pain than a smaller volume. Thus, it is advantageous 
to produce sensors that require a smaller amount of blood or interstitial fluid and therefore 
are less painful to use, encouraging more regular discrete or continuous testing. One way 
of requiring less analyte is to produce electrochemical sensor strips having a very small 
structural features such as, very small sample receiving cells and very small electrodes 
within those sample receiving cells, however, such small features more difficult to 
manufacture, particularly in' an accurate and reproducible manner in order to produce 
accurate and reproducible analyte measurements. 

Many methods may be used to manufacture electrochemical sensors, including - 
such processes as rotogravure and cylinder screen printing. In rotogravure printing a 
cylinder is coated with a covering defining the shape of the feature (e.g. electrodes) to be 
printed. Further cylinders may be used to print further films or layers (e.g. enzymes or 
insulation layers). 

Where an electrochemical sensor is fabricated by rotogravure printing of 
electrically conductive ink to form one or more electrodes on a flexible web, which may be 
polymeric. High quality print definition is possible using very thin inks. For the thicker 
inks and greater print thicknesses required when printing electrochemical sensors fixed flat 
screens have generally been used in single feed flat bed printing of electrochemical 


WO 2004/040285 

sensors. Other methods, including methods of manufacturing electrochemical sensors 
using rotating printing structures have also been described. 

In a web manufacturing process for electrochemical sensors, a web of substrate 
ma terial ispassed through a series of print stations. At eachprint station, a new layer of 
material such as, for example, electrode material, is deposited on the substrate or on a 
previously deposited layer using, for example, a screon printing process. In the screen 
printingprocess, the web is positioned under a screen and an ink, for example, a 
conductive ink used to make electrodes is pushed through selected portions of the screen to 
printalayerhavrngapredetermined layout on the portion of the web positioned below the 
screen Thus, it is possible build the electrochemical sensor on the substrate by moving the 
substrate from one print station to the next, printing each layer consecutively and cuttmg 
the individual sensor's from the finished web. 

In one manufacturing method an electrode layer and at least a first reagent layer 
are manufactured by transporting a continuous web of the substrate past at least two pnnt 
station, The print stations may be cylindrical rotogravure print stations or cylinder screen 
print stations. However rotogravure (rotating an engraved cylinder) and cylinder screen 
printing (rotating a cylindrical screen/stencil) methods of printing suffer drawbacks when 
printing electrochemical sensors on a web. Rotogravure printing typically gives very dun 
print heights. The thick electrically conductive inks needed to produce the required 
electrode thickness for electrochemical sensors (especially those for blood glucose 
detection) are particularly likely to suffer from incomplete, inconsistent printing with the 
resultant reduction in electrochemical sensor quality, consistency and rehabihty. 
Rotogravure printing with carbon inks (which typically have a high solid content and can 
be quite viscous) for producing carbon electrodes is especially difficult as the solid/liquid 
phases in the ink can separate resulting in incomplete or uneven filling or emptying of the 
engravingfromprintto print. This can result in uneven print thicknesses and degradation 
5 ofcarbon electrode quality and consistency. Cylinder screen printing is well suited to 
single feed arrangements (as opposed to continuous web arrangements). Furthermore, the 
ability to manipulate the way die screen interacts with the printing medium, and hence 


WO 2004/040285 


exert influence on the print quality by doing this) is limited because of the cylindrical 
nature of the screen. Also, the variety of stencils available to achieve the correct ink 
thickness for each type of ink (Carbon, silver/silver chloride, insulation, enzyme or other 
reagent layer) is not readily commercially available. 

Electrochemical sensors for testing blood or interstitial glucose may also be 
produced in a multi step printing process using flat bed printers (such as Thieme or Svecia 
available from Kippax UK, Huddersfield, UK and Registerprint, London, UK) and 
metering an ink through screen stencils available from DEK Machinery, Weymouth, UK 
and BTP Craftscreen, Coventry, UK) arranged parallel to the flat substrate cards to be 
printed upon. This process has the advantage that the sensors can be produced in an 
accurate repeatable manner so that a user can compare results from time to time. Sheets of 
substrate for printing rows of strips thereon are passed through several flat bed printing 
stages with the rows perpendicular to the direction of travel. In this manufacturing process 
thin layers of ink are sequentially screen printed on to a polymeric substrate to form a large 
group of sensor strips. Firstly carbon ink may be laid down to form an electrode layer. Next 
an insulation ink layer may be laid down. Next a reagent layer, typically enzyme ink, may 
be laid down. Next a second enzyme layer may be laid down. Next an adhesive layer may 
be laid down. Finally, a hydrophilic layer may be laid down. A protective film may be 
placed on top of the sensor sheet before prior to cutting the sheet into rows and the rows 
into individual strips. A single sheet manufactured in this way of substrate may produce 
500 or more sensor strips. These sensor strips are arranged in rows 0 to 9 perpendicular to 
the direction of travel of the substrate sheet through the flat bed printer (the direction of 
printing) with 50 sensor strips per row. Strips 1 to 50 in each row are each parallel to the 
direction of printing. Each sheet may be manipulated by hand between each stage. In 
particular following the four print steps (for printing carbon ink, insulation ink and two 
layers of enzyme ink) each sheet may be manipulated by hand into a cutting machine so 
that the cutting may be done along the rows separating one row of sensor strips from 
another. Next each row may be manipulated so as to be cut into 50 separate strips. These 
manipulation steps are time consuming and inefficient. 



WO 2004/040285 

Therefore there exists the need for an improved process for the manufacture of 
electrochemical sensors, and in particular, for the manufacture of electrochemical sensors 
for measurement of markers in the body such as in blood or interstitial fluid (glucose, 
fructosamine, haematocrit and so on). There further exists aneed for a high speed, 
predictable, reproducible way to manufacture sensor strips at a reasonable cost Further, 
there exists a need for a high speed, predictable, reproducible way to manufacture sensor 
strips having very small features where each finished strip may be used to reliably, 
predictably and accurately measure analytes in bodily fluids in a reproducible manner. 

In a continuous web manufacturing process for manufacturing electrochemical 
sensors, the sensor substrate, which may also be referred to as the web, may expand or 
stretch as it is heated up and placed under tension during the process. Each of the printing 
stations in the manufacturing process (i.e. the print stations where the carbon, insulation, 
and enzymes are deposited) may be followed by a drying station. In order to dry the inks 
to dry efficiently, the drier stations operate at temperatures of, for example 50-140 degrees 
centigrade. Furthermore to aid registration of the web through each printing station, the 
web is placed under tension. The substrate has to be kept under tension to control 
registration within the process, as a result, whenever the substrate is heated, for example to 
dry the inks after printing, the substrate may stretch unpredictably causing image size 
variation in subsequent prints. 

The size of the image printed at each print station is determined by several 
factors including stencil size, ink viscosity, relative web and stencil/screen speed and 
substrate stretch at that point (both reversible and irreversible stretch). The image size 
between different printing steps may also vary in unpredictable ways significantly reducing 
yields. In one example, if the mismatch between image sizes between layers is greater than 
300microns along the web the resulting sensor strip will not work and all of the strips in 
that batch will have to be scrapped. 

The excessive image size variation is believed to be due to excessive and 
unpredictable stretching (due to heating and tension) and shrinking of the web substrate. It 


WO 2004/040285 


would, therefore, be advantageous to design a web process wherein the web or substrate 
could be preconditioned to prevent unpredictable stretching during the manufacturing 


The present invention is directed to a method of preconditioning a substrate in a 
web manufacturing process wherein the web manufacturing process includes a plurality of 
printing steps. In one embodiment, the method of the present invention includes the steps 
of moving the substrate through the web process under tension and heating the substrate as 
the substrate is passed through the printing steps. In this invention, prior to any printing 
steps, the substrate is passed through a preconditioning station which heats the substrate to 
a predetermined temperature which meets or exceeds any temperature the substrate sees 
during the remainder of the process. The temperature to which the substrate is heated 
during the preconditioning process may be approximately 160°C. The preconditioning 
station may also include at least one surface cleaning station adapted to remove impurities 
from the substrate. 

In order to improve printing in a method according to the present invention, 
other steps may be included in the web manufacturing process. For example, the tension at 
which the substrate may be stretched is sufficient to ensure that tension is not exceeded 
during subsequent stages of the web process. Further, in one embodiment, predetermined 
tension is approximately 1 65N and the second predetermined temperature is approximately 
140°C. In a further embodiment of the present invention, in the preconditioning step, the 
substrate is heated to a temperature sufficient to remove the irreversible stretch from the 
substrate as it moves through the web process. 


The novel features of the invention are set forth with particularity in the 
appended claims. A better understanding of the features and advantages of the present 

WO 2004/040285 


* a* following detailed description that sets forth 
fflTistrative embodiments, in which the pruidpies 
accompanying drawings of which: 


a vtina a third fourth, and fifth sections of the web 
Figure 2B is a schematic diagram depicting a third, 

printing process. 

Hpmrtine a sixth and seventh sections of the web printing 
Figure 2C is a schematic diagram depicting a sixin 


^ktins a humid environment around a fifth and sixth 
Figure 3 is a schematic diagram depicting a num 

sections of the web printing, 
of the web printing. 


Figure 6 is a schematic diagram depicting a flood cycle 

Figure 7 is a schematic diagram depicting a print cycle 

Figure 8 is a schematic diagram depictmg2 different squeegee angles. 

Figure 9 is a schematic diagram depicting 2 different squeegee positions. 

WO 2004/040285 


Figure 1 0 is a schematic diagram depicting a screen snap distance. 
Figure 1 1 is an exploded view of a preconditioning zone (211). 
Figure 12 is an exploded view of the first drying zone (217). 
Figure 13 is an exploded view of a second drying zone (224). 
Figure 14 is an exploded view of a third drying zone (230). 
Figure 1 5 is an exploded view of a fourth drying zone (236). 
Figure 16 is an exploded view of a first cleaning unit (204). 

Figures 1 7A-1 7D are views of an insulation layer to carbon layer with proper registration. 

Figures 18A-18D are views of an insulation layer to carbon layer with improper 
registration when the artwork resulting from the screen 301 is stretched. 

Figures 19A-19D are views of an insulation layer to carbon layer with improper 
registration when the art work from screen 301 has not stretched'. 

Figures 20A-20D are schematic diagrams depicting the print results for operator 
registration of the web using a first view guide for visual inspection during an initial 
registration process. 

Figure 21 A is an example of a sensor sheet with a first and second web view guides; first, 
second, third and fourth Y registration marks; and X registration marks. 

Figure 21B is an exploded view of one row within a sensor sheet with a carbon X 
registration mark. 


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Figure 21 C is an exploded view of one row within a sensor sheet with an insulation X 
registration mark over coating a carbon X registration mark. 

Figure 22 is a schematic diagram of parameters X Y, and 9 used to register the web 
printing process. 



Figure 1 is a schematic diagram depicting 8 sections of the web printing process 
according to the present invention. Section 1 is an nnwinder unit 101. Section 2 is a pre- 
conditioning station 1 02. Section 3 is a carbon print station 103. Section 4 is an insulation 
print station 104. Section 5 is a first enzyme print station 105. Section 6 is a second 
enzymeprintstationioe. Section7isarewinderunit 107. Section 8 is a punch 108. It 
will be understood by those skilled in the art that while the following description relates to 
aprocess and apparatus concerning these 8 sections, the process and apparatus of the 
invention can be embodied in greater or fewer numbers of sections. For example while 4 
print stations are envisaged in this embodiment, one or more print stations couldbe used 
without departing from the scope of the invention. In one embodiment there are a 
minimum of two print stations for printing an electrode layer and a reagent layer. 

In one embodiment of the present invention, Section 1 may be implemented 
using a substrate material unwind unit 101 such as, for example, a Martin 
Unwinder/Automatic Splice which is available from Martin Automatic Inc. in Rockford, 
IL. In this embodiment of the invention, Sections 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, maybe implemented 
using a modified Kammann Printer, which is available from Werner Kammann 
Mascbinefabrik Gmbh, model number 4.61 .35, in Biinde, Germany. In this embodiment 
of the invention, Section 2 may be pre-conditioning unit 102. Pre-conditioning unit 102 
may be used to precondition substrate 242 prior to printing and sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 may 
be used to screen print carbon, insulation, first e D 2yme and second enzyme inks onto a 
substrate 242. Section 7 may include rewinder unit 1 07 such as, for example, a Martin 


WO 2004/040285 


Rewinder, which is available from Martin Automatic Inc. in Rockford, IL. Section 8 may 
include a punch 1 08 such as, for example, a Preco punch which is available from Preco 
Press, in Lenexa, Kansas as model number 2024-P-40T XYT CCD CE. While specific 
models of apparatus are mentioned, these pieces of apparatus may be varied and/or 
replaced and/or omitted altogether without departing from the scope of the invention as 
will be understood by those skilled in the art. 

Figures 2A, 2B and 2C are schematic diagrams illustrating the path of substrate 
242 as it passes through Sections 1-8 of a web printing process according to the present 
invention. In one embodiment of the Invention, the material used for substrate 242 may be 
a polyester material (trade name Melinex ® ST328), which is manufactured by DuPont 
Teijin Films. Substrate 242 is supplied in a roll of material, which may be, for example, 
nominally 350 microns thick by 370mm wide and approx. 660m in length. These 
dimensions of thickness and width have been found to be particularly suitable for the 
production of electrochemical sensors by flat screen printing on a web of substrate. This is 
because of the requirement for the material to be robust for printing yet manipulable 
through the apparatus and of sufficient width to accommodate a suitable quantity of sensors 
to render the process commercially viable. Substrate 242 may include an acrylic coating 
applied to one or both sides to improve ink adhesion. Polyester is a preferred material 
because it behaves satisfactorily at elevated temperatures and tensions used during the web 
process according to the present invention. While polyester and indeed Melinex are the 
preferred materials in one embodiment of the invention, the use of other materials can be 
envisaged by those skilled in the art from the description provided herein. Indeed, amongst 
other things, variations in material thickness, width and length can be envisaged, a larger 
width or length offering additional capacity for the production of sensors and a variation in 
material thickness in some circumstances aiding the preconditioning, or registration during 
printing. In a preferred embodiment of the present invention, prior to entering carbon 
print station 1 03, substrate 242 is exposed to a heat stabilization process, by heating the 
substrate up to 1 85 °C without placing it under significant tension to try and ensure that 
substrate 242 experiences minimum dimensional distortion during the web printing process 
where temperatures of between 140 and 160°C at tensions up to 1 65 N may be 


WO 2004/040285 


„ob though ft. beater. However, » »- *-* "* ^ 

,„ a temperature (typical., MV> r— *- "» » — — *"» 

la , CTp[in «n gS .ap, to o M p re f^ OT ^t^»^^'»W™ d °^;° 

oombmation of preconditioning «l phrcingunde, tension has greauy reduced tho 
van^onsiopnn.regi^ti.oa^iotprovcdate^.pnKiuayteld. Inone 

- * * f ° r — * ps "' spi,c °' 8 

back Paper Tape ftom Intertapo Polymer Gtoop. 

F i gore 2Aisa S cha™ t iodiag t am<i=pic 1 i„g S ec 1 io„l and section 2 of a w.b 
printing process according .0 one entbodinren, of the pmaent invention In Ftgnre 2A 
Ltion . is . unwinder nni. 101. Unwinder nni, ,0, inebrdes tint, arito, 200, **ond 

^m«^-»-«-- - - m,B ' , ^ 2A, " dta "JT 

mi ,207, 1 o».ee,l 208, tin, print nol,« 209, firs, drive ro„„ 2.0 and tint, — 

b the embodiment of the invention illustiated in Fign* 2A, onvtinder unit 101 
consists of, for example, a Martin UnwindCAn.omatio which is oaed ,o facrhtate 
d,.o„ntinnonsmovem«o,.f S a,h S ti,,e242mtop^com.i«om„g S -m>mm,d«. 

tension of approximate* SON. Unwmderum, .0. may include . hm.rmwmd admr 200 

and a second unwind ad»r 20.. Note that an arbo, eon also be refened to . 

Firs, mtwind omo, 200 holds a ,0,1 of substiat. materia, 242 and oontinoous.y feeds 

s »b s ti,,o242i„,„ P re-oonditi„mngs,atio„,02of S oati„„2. Second urawind mbor 20, 

bo,ds,s,^yro.lofsub^,,«242,wmohisan,»na«c,..,3plioed,ome^of,h«roo f 

snbstiate 242 bom has, unwind arbor 200 ensuring a semi-continuous suppl, of substiat. 

WO 2004/040285 


242. This continuous process repeats from first unwind arbor 200 to second unwind arbor 
201. A substrate material accumulator 203 stores a predetermined length of substrate 242 
and dispenses the stored substrate 242 into pre-conditioning station 102 of section 2 while 
the splicing operation takes place in first splice unit 202 (during which time both the first 
unwind arbor 200 and second unwind arbor 201 are stationary). The splice created is a butt 
splice with a length of splice tape on either side of the material at the joint In order to 
ensure quality, approximately 10m of printed substrate maybe discarded either side of the 
splice* First unwind aibor 200 and second unwind arbor 201 includes web edge guides 
(not shown) which guide substrate 242 into first splice unit 202. The web edge guides are 
adapted to prevent substrate 242 from wandering as it is being fed into first splice unit 202. 

Typically the machine of the invention is set up to produce between 2 and 10 
and more usually 6 rolls of substrate at any one time. For those print stations connected to a 
continuous supply of ink, the number of rolls to be used is not usually a problem. However, 
for the two enzyme print stations, to which a limited amount of ink is supplied, the number 
of rolls to be used is an important input parameter. Indeed the number of rolls to be used 
determines the amount of ink placed on the screen prior to start of the printing process. For 
example for a 6 roll run, 6 (or rather just more than 6) rolls worth of enzyme ink are placed 
on the screen prior to the start of printing in each of sections 5 and 6. Thus, the enzyme ink 
needs to be kept in readiness for printing throughout the print run to ensure consistent 
printing of enzyme over the whole life of the print run. A wall has been placed about the 
screen in the enzyme print stations to ensure that a sufficient amount of enzyme ink can 
be added to the screen without requiring the screen to be topped up during a run and also 
reducing the risk of the enzyme ink overflowing the screen and onto the web substrate 
running below it.) 

In one embodiment of the present invention, substrate 242 is held under a 
tension of approximately 165N throughout the process in order to maintain registration of 
the four layers to be printed (typically the print registration tolerance is 300um). The 
substrate 242 is also subjected to various temperatures of 140°C or less in order to dry the 
printed inks during each printing step. Due to this tension and temperature, there may be a 


WO 2004/040285 


tendency for substrate 242 to stretch or expand during the process and consequently fell 
outside the registration tolerance. Indeed the image size variation from print stage to pnnt 
stage and print run to print run as well as within the print run itself was unpredictable and 
higher than could be tolerated. 

In the embodiment of the invention illustrated in Figure 2A, section 2 is a pre- 
conditioning station 1 02. Pre-conditioning occurs before any image is printed onto the 
substrate Substrate 242 is pre-conditioned to reduce the amount of expansion and stretch 
within subsequent sections of the web process and also to aid the registration of substrate 
242 through sections 3-6. Preconditioning station can heat substrate 242 to a temperature, 
which is not exceeded in the subsequent print steps. Typically this takes place under 
tension of between 150 and 180N more typically around 165N. However, in another 
embodiment pre-conditioning station 102 can heat substrate 242 to a temperature suffice* 
to remove the irreversible stretch from substrate 242, again optionally while under tensron 
as described above. 

In one embodiment of the invention, the substrate is heated to approximately 
160°C in the preconditioning zone 211, which is illustrated in more detail in Figure 1 1 . As 
explained above, in one embodiment of the present invention, the temperature to winch 
substrate 242 is heated in pre-conditioning station 102 is not met or exceeded during 
subsequent processing of substrate 242, including subsequent drying steps. Subsequent 
print processes may compensate for the slightly larger image due to stretching caused by 
the process of pre-conditioning station 102 by the provision of a slightly larger stencrl 
screen size (typically 750pm in the direction of travel of the web). The provision of new 
screens can be problematical. Other parameters can therefore be varied at each print staUon 
to accommodate a variation in image size without replacing the screen, such as the relative 
speed of the screen and the web. Nevertheless, there is a limit to the amount of image s.ze 
variation that can be accommodated. It is therefore preferable to precondition the substrate 
as described herein reducing the overall image size increase and reducing the variation m 
said image size increase. 


WO 2004/040285 


In one embodiment of the present invention, pre-conditioning station 102 also 
includes additional elements, which perform functions, which facilitate proper operation of 
a web manufacturing process according to the present invention. In pre-conditioning unit 
102, there are two web cleaning units, a first cleaning unit 204 and a second cleaning unit 
207 which clean the top and underside of substrate 242. First cleaning unit 204 and second 
cleaning unit 207 use tacky adhesive coated rollers to remove particulates from substrate 
242 prior to any printing step. First cleaning unit 204 may be, for example, a cleaner 
commercially available from KSM Web Cleaners, model number WASP400, in Glasgow, 
United Kingdom. Second cleaning unit 207, for example, a cleaner commercially available 
from Teknek. Pre-conditioning station 102 further includes inbound nip roller 206 and a 
load cell 208. Inbound nip roller 206 is used to control the tension of substrate 242 
(specifically the tension between inbound nip roller 206 and outbound nip roller 238). 
Inbound nip roller 206 is linked via a control system (not shown) to load cell 208. 
Substrate 242 is removed from second enzyme print station 106 in section 6 at a constant 
rate by outbound nip roller 238. Load cell 208 in Section 2 measures the tension of 
substrate 242 when it is moving through the web process according to the present 
invention. Inbound nip roller 206 adjusts its speed in order to control the tension at a 
predetermined set point. A typical substrate tension in a web manufacturing process 
according to the present invention would be approximately 150N to 1 80N and more 
specifically 160N to 170N, in this embodiment the tension is approximately! 65N. 

Figure 2B is a schematic diagram depicting section 3, section 4 and section 5 of 
a web printing process according to the present invention. In Figure 2B, section 3 is 
carbon print station 103. Prior to printing (a cleaning system is installed (available from 
Meech), which cleans the top side (print side) and underside of the substrate using a 
vacuum and brush system, the top brush and vacuum station 251 and bottom brush and 
vacuum station 250 are offset to one another. The top brush and vacuum station 250, 
contacts the substrate immediately prior to the chilled roller 212 and accumulator 21 3 and 
is the closest accessible point prior to carbon printing. The underside brush and vacuum 
station 251, contacts the substrate immediately after the substrate exits the pre-conditioning 
unit 1 02. Carbon print station 1 03 includes first chilled roller 2 1 2, second accumulator 


WO 2004/040285 


213, second print roller 214, first vision sensor 215, second drive roller 216, first drier zone 
217 and second chilled roller 21 8. In the embodiment of the invention illustrated in Figure 
2B, section 4 is insulation print station 104. Insulation print station 104 includes third 
chilled roller 219, third accumulator 220, third print roller 221, second vision sensor 222, 
first Y registration system (not shown) at position 237A, third drive roller 223 and second 
drier zone 224. In Figure 2B, section 5 is first enzyme print station 105. First enzyme 
print station 105 includes fourth chilled roller 225, fourth accumulator 226, fourth print 
roller 227, third vision sensor 228, second Y registration system, at 237B (not shown), 
fourth drive roller 229 and third drier zone 230. 

In a process according to the present invention, section 3 of the web 
manufacturing process is where carbon printing takes place. Of course, as will be 
appreciated by those skilled in the art, the number and type of printing processes can be 
varied without departing from the invention in its broadest context. For example, two 
carbon prints may be provided or one or more prints with carbon with metallic particles, 
silver/silver chloride ink or gold or palladium based inks may be used to provide an 
electrode layer in the electrochemical sensors. The insulation and reagent layers may also 
be varied in their composition, order of deposition, thickness of deposition and layout as 
well as in other parameters apparent to those skilled in the art from the embodiments 
described herein. In section 3, the carbon artwork for the electrochemical sensors 
manufactured in accordance with the present invention may be printed utilizing screen- 
printing. The basic components of the carbon print station 103 are illustrated in Figures 6 
and 7. In particular, a suitable print station according to the present invention includes a 
screen 301, lower print roller 303, print roller 600, a flood blade 603, a squeegee holder 
605 and a squeegee 606. In carbon print station 103, print roller 600 is second print roller 
214. Screen 301 is of generally flat construction and typically comprises a mesh arranged 
to provide a negative of the artwork desired. Carbon ink is applied to the mesh and pushed 
through it during printing. At this stage the flat screen may be deformed slightly out of a 
flat shape by the weight of the ink (this is especially true for the enzyme print steps in 
which all of the ink to be used during the entire print run is usually deposited on the screen 


WO 2004/040285 


at the start of the print run) and the pressure from the squeegee pushing the ink through the 
mesh stencil. 

In a flood cycle process in accordance with the present invention, screen 301 is 
•charged with ink 604 by moving squeegee 606, flood blade 603, print roller 600, and lower 
print roller 303, in first direction 608 which corresponds to the web movement of substrate 
242. Screen 301 is moved in second direction 607 opposite to first direction 608 of 
substrate 242 for the flood cycle where ink 604 is charged onto screen 301 , 

In a subsequent print cycle process in accordance with the present invention, as 
illustrated in Figure 7, squeegee 606 transfers ink 604 through the screen 301 and onto 
substrate 242. During the print cycle, the squeegee 606, flood blade 603, print roller 600, 
and lower print roller 303 all move in second direction 607 which is opposite to the web 
movement of substrate 242. Screen 301 is moved in first direction 608 which corresponds 
to the web movement of substrate 242 for the print cycle where ink 604 is pushed through 
screen 301 and deposited on substrate 242. Thus during the print cycle the screen 301 
moves in the same direction as the web substrate at the same or very nearly the same speed 
as the substrate. The screen 301 is substantially flat when at rest although in use it is 
pushed by the squeegee 606 towards the web becoming slightly distorted as this happens 
and substantially returning to it's original shape once the squeegee 606 is removed. The 
screen 301 then moves in the opposite direction to the substrate as it is reloaded with ink 
604 ready for the next print cycle. When the ink is loaded onto the screen 301 the weight 
of the ink may ever so slightly bend the screen. The screen 301 is at an angle to the 
direction of travel 608 of the web as it leaves the print station. This arrangement (the angle 
being typically around 10 to 30 degrees and more specifically around 15 degrees) 
improves ink release from the screen onto the substrate improving print definition and 
reproducibility. The screen to substrate angle, squeegee angle, screen to squeegee distance, 
squeegee to print roller position, snap distance, relative speeds of substrate and screen and 
squeegee pressure can all be used to control and optimize the resultant print definition and 
consistency across a card (One embodiment of a screen printing mechanism is described in 
more detail in issued US patent 4,245,554 which is incorporated by reference herein. 


,„„„. PCT/GB2003/004667 
WO 2004/040285 

In particular, in carbon print station 1 03, the ink in question is a carbon ink. An 
exarnpleofasuitablecarboninkissetforthhereinbelow. In this embodiment of the 
current invention, screen 301 is flooded with ink 604 prior to using squeegee 606 to 
transfer the ink 604 through the screen and onto substrate 242. The printed carbon artwork 
deposited on substrate 242 is then dried using, for example, hot air at 140«C directed onto 
the printed surface of the substrate using four separate drying banks within the first drier 
zone217, which is illustrated hi more detail in Figure 12. 

Suitable ink for use in carbon print station include, but is not limited to, carbon with 
metallic particles, silver/silver chloride, gold based, palladium based conductive printable 

In one embodiment of the present invention, prior to the carbon printing process 
and immediately after drying, substrate 242 is passed over a first chilled roller 21 2 which is 
designed to rapidly cool substrate 242 to a predetermined temperature, typically room 
temperature (around 18-21 °C and typically 19.5 °C +/- 0.5»C). In one embodiment of the 
web manufacturingprocess according to the present invention the surface of first chilled 
roller 212 is approximately 1 8<>C. First chilled roller 212 may be cooled to an appropriate 
temperature using, for example, factory chilled water at around TC. The temperature of 
the roller can be controlled by controlling the flow rate and/or the temperature of the 
factory chilled water. After the printed carbon patterns are deposited in the printing 
process, substrate 242 is passed over second chilled roller 218. Reducing the temperature 
of substrate 242 andmamtaining the temperature of substrate 242 is beneficial because 
cooler temperatures reduces the probability of ink drying on the screens during printing and 
creating blocks in the mesh. The use of chilled rollers in a web manufacturing process 
according to the present invention is also beneficial because it reduces the amount of 
stretch in substrate 242, reducing registration problems and the need to modify the process 
on the fly to compensate for such problems. 


WO 2004/040285 


In one embodiment, the temperature of the chilled rollers is controlled 
dynamically by a feedback loop measuring the temperature of the chilled roller and 
controlling the water flow/temperature. Other methods of chilling the rollers can be 
envisaged by those skilled in the art from the embodiments described herein, for example, 
electrically powered refrigeration units. 

In a process according to the present invention, section 4 of the web 
manufacturing process is where insulation printing takes place. In section 4, the insulation 
artwork for the electrochemical sensors manufactured in accordance with the present 
invention is printed utilizing screen-printing utilizing a generally flat screen. The basic 
components of the insulation print station 1 04 are illustrated in Figures 6 and 7. In 
particular, a suitable print station according to the present invention includes a screen 301, 
lower print roller 303, print roller 600, a flood blade 603, a squeegee holder 605 and a 
squeegee 606. In insulation print station 104, print roller 600 is third print roller 221 . 

In a flood cycle process in accordance with the present invention, screen 301 is 
charged with ink 604 by moving squeegee 606, flood blade 603, print roller 600, and lower 
print roller 303, in first direction 608 which corresponds to the web movement of substrate 
242. Screen 301 is moved in second direction 607 opposite to first direction 608 of 
substrate 242 for the flood cycle where ink 604 is charged onto screen 301 . 

In a subsequent print cycle process in accordance with the present invention, as 
illustrated in Figure 7, squeegee 606 transfers ink 604 through the screen 301 and onto 
substrate 242. During the print cycle, the squeegee 606, flood blade 603, print roller 600, 
and lower print roller 303 all move in second direction 607 which is opposite to the web 
movement of substrate 242. Screen 301 is moved in first direction 608 which corresponds 
to the web movement of substrate 242 for the print cycle where ink 604 is pushed through 
screen 301 and deposited on substrate 242. One embodiment of the screen printing 
mechanism is described in more detail in issued US patent 4,245,554 which is incorporated 
by reference herein. 


WO 2004/040285 


taxable flat sc^printag, during printtag. generally fiat screen hasa 
™e».ofi,sreonon»l»eni S ^ 

^ as the,*** TypieaHyineaeJ.o. Sprint st anon3,« KS ub 9 «nMyfl 1 « S e K enu 
ala naen.e»ngle(Ainfig™e6 1 «ofi 1 e S »b^e^«ae S aeena»<. S ubaWe n ovea»a, 

of .heanbaMeanfi.hesce.varies.hesizenffi.e printed togen, the direerion of .revel 
of the substrate, ie. the X-direction. 

The stencil screen used in each of the print stations typically consists of a 

embodiment apolye^e^ 

n.eshiscoatenvdthaUVsensinvecoatingandinconjunction^ a film posvnve the 
screen is exposed to a UV light source, developed and dried so that the coating dries on the 
screen to fonn a negative of the desired artwork hnage. With the aid of a squeegee, .nkrs 
pa ,ed through theopenareasofthe stencil and onto the substrate (giving a posihve nnage 
fonnedby theink on the substrate). The frame provides a means of mouuting the mesh 
and withstanding the forces impost by the stretched mesh W im minimum distortaon and 
with standing the additional forces produced during printing. 

In particular, in insulation print station 104, the ink in question is an insulation 
ink . Anexampleofasuitablemsulauoninkissetforthhereinbelow. In this embodiment 
ofthe current invention, screen 301 is flooded with ink 604 prior to using squeegee 606 to 
Wer ink604 through the screen and onto substrate 242. The printed insulation artwork 

zone 224, which is illustrated in more detail in Figure 13. An example of a suitable mk for 
use in insulationprint station in a web manufacturing process accordingto the present 
invention is Ercon E6110-1 16 Jet Black Insulayer Ink which maybe purchased from 
Ercon, Inc. In one embodiment ofthe invention, insulation artwork is registered to the 
car bon artwork in the X direction (along the machine) and the Y direction (across the 
m achine) utilizing the techniques described herein. Other types of insulation mk may be 


WO 2004/040285 


utilized as will be understood by those skilled in the art from the description herein. 
Furthermore different layers or different orders of layers can be used to provide a different 
order of layers and therefore different construction in the electrochemical sensors produced 

In one embodiment of the present invention, before the insulation printing 
process and immediately after drying, substrate 242, including printed carbon and 
insulation patterns, is passed over third chilled roller 219 which is designed to rapidly cool 
substrate 242 to a predetermined temperature typically room temperature (around 17-21 °C 
and typically 19.5 °C +/- 0.5 °C). In one embodiment of the web manufacturing process 
according to the present invention, the surface temperature of the third chilled roller is 
approximately 18°C. Third chilled roller 219 may be cooled to an appropriate temperature 
using, for example, factory chilled water at around 7°C. Reducing the temperature of 
substrate 242 and maintaining the temperature of substrate 242 is beneficial because cooler 
temperatures reduces the probability of ink drying on the screens and creating blocks in the 
mesh. The use of chilled rollers in a web manufacturing process according to the present 
invention is also beneficial because it reduces the amount of stretch in substrate 242, 
reducing registration problems and the need to modify the process on the fly to compensate 
for such problems. 

In a process according to the present invention, section 5 of the web 
manufacturing process is where the first enzyme printing takes place. In section 5, the 
enzyme ink artwork for the electrochemical sensors manufactured in accordance with the 
present invention is printed utilizing screen-printing and a movable generally flat screen as 
herein before described. The basic components of the first enzyme print station 1 05 are 
illustrated in Figures 6 and 7. In particular, a suitable print station according to the present 
invention includes a screen 301 , lower print roller 303, print roller 600, a flood blade 603, a 
squeegee holder 605 and a squeegee 606. In first enzyme print station 1 05, print roller 600 
is fourth print roller 227. 

In a flood cycle process in accordance with the present invention, screen 301 is 
charged with ink 604 by moving squeegee 606, flood blade 603, print roller 600, and lower 


WO 2004/040285 


print roller 303, in first direction 608 which corresponds to the web movement of substrate 
242. Screen 301 is moved in second direction 607 opposite to first direction 608 of 
substrate 242 for the flood cycle where ink 604 is charged onto screen 301. 

In a subsequent print cycle process in accordance with the present invention, as 
illustrated in Figure 7, squeegee 606 transfers ink 604 through the screen 301 and onto 
substrate 242. During the print cycle, the squeegee 606, flood blade 603, print roller 600, 
and lower print roller 303 all move in second direction 607 which is opposite to the web 
movement of substrate 242. Screen 301 is moved in first direction 608 which corresponds 
to the web movement of substrate 242 for the print cycle where ink 604 is pushed through 
screen 301 and deposited on substrate 242. One embodiment of the screen printing 
mechanism is described in more detail in issued US patent 4,245,554 which is incorporated 
by reference herein. 

In particular, in first enzyme print station 105, the ink in question is an enzyme 
ink. An example of a suitable enzyme ink is set forth herein below. In this embodiment 
of the current invention, screen 301 is flooded with ink 604 prior to using squeegee 606 to 
transfer the ink 604 through the screen and onto substrate 242. The printed enzyme 
artwork deposited on substrate 242 is then dried using, for example, hot air at 50°C directed 
onto the printed surface of the substrate using two separate drying banks within the third 
drier zone230, which is illustrated in more detail in Figure 14. An example of a suitable 
ink for use in first enzyme print station 105 in a web manufacturing process according to 
the present invention as summarized in Table 2. 

Table 2. 

Glucose Oxidase Biozyme Laboratories 

Tri-sodium Citrate Fisher Scientific 

Citric Acid Fisher Scientific 


WO 2004/040285 


Poly Vinyl Alcohol Sigma Aldrich 

Hydroxyethylcellulose (Nat 250 G) Honeywell and Stein 

Sigma- Aldrich Chemical Co., UK 
Potassium hexacyanoferrate III Norlab Instruments Ltd., UK 

DC1500Antifoam BDH/MerckLtd 
Cabosil Ellis and Everard Ltd 

PVPVA ISP Company Ltd 

Analar Water BDH/Merck Ltd 

In one embodiment of the present invention, after the insulation printing process 
and immediately after drying, the substrate 242, including printed carbon and insulation 
patterns, is passed over fourth chilled roller 225 which is designed to rapidly cool substrate 
242 to a predetermined temperature typically room temperature (around 17-21 °C and 
typically 1 9.5 °C +/- 0.5 °C).. In one embodiment of the web manufacturing process 
according to the present invention the surface of fourth chilled roller 225 is approximately 
1 8°C. Fourth chilled roller 225 may be cooled to an appropriate temperature using, for 
example, factory chilled water at around 7°C. Reducing the temperature of substrate 242 
and maintaining the temperature of substrate 242 is beneficial because cooler temperatures 
reduces the probability of ink drying on the screens and creating blocks in the mesh. The 
use of chilled rollers in a web manufacturing process according to the present invention is 
also beneficial because it reduces the amount of stretch in substrate 242, reducing 
registration problems and the need to modify the process on the fly to compensate for such 

Additionally, due to the high water content of the enzyme ink and the airflow 
due to the movement of the screen, it is crucial to ensure that the enzyme ink does not dry 
into the screen. The relative flow of air encountered by the moving screen dries the ink on 
the screen in a manner not normally observed in flat bed screen printers (such as Thieme 
flat bed printers) since the screen itself does not move within the machine, unlike the 
present invention. As well as the chilled roller alleviating this by ensuring the substrate is 


WO 2004/040285 


cooled to around 18°C before it encounters the enzyme screen-printing step, the screen 
loaded with enzyme ink is humidified during printing. In one embodiment, humidification 
is substantially continuous. Theremaybe topside, underside and/or side screen 
humidification and indeed all three may be provided. An arrangement of pipes provides a 
substantially constant stream of humidified air above, below and sideways onto the screen 
respectively, ensuring the water content of the ink, is maintained at a constant level. A 
suitable arrangement for providing topside, underside and/or side screen humidification 
according to the present invention is illustrated in Figures 3, 4 and 5. The amount and 
arrangement of humidification means (typically pipes carrying humidified air) will depend, 
amongst other things, upon the amount of humidification required, the water content of the 
ink, the humidity and temperature of the surrounding air, the temperature of the substrate 
as it approaches the enzyme print station, the temperature of the print roller, the size of 
the screen and the exposure of the screen to the surrounding (unhumidified air). In one 
embodiment a pipe 304 comprising one or more rows of holes 400 delivers humidified air 
across the whole underside of the screen during one stroke of the screenback and forth. 
Pipes (not shown) above and to the operator side of the machine deliver humidified air 
flows 300 and 304 (see figure 4). 

Typically all the enzyme ink required for that print run is placed on the screen at 
or prior to the start of the print run. Since the enzyme ink is composed of a large part of 
water (typically between 55 and 65% by weight, more typically around 60 % by weight, 
the ink is prone to drying out over the lifetime of the run. This risk can be alleviated by 
providing humidification around the screen loaded with enzyme ink. Alternatively or more 
typically in addition the substrate can be chilled prior to encountering the enzyme (or 
indeed any) print stationby the use of chilled rollers as herein described. Typically the 
temperature of the substrate is controlled to be less than or equal to the temperature of the 
room. However, the temperature of the substrate is kept above the dew point for the 
atmosphere in the room. If the room is at 60% humidity then the dew point maybe 15 °C. 
If the temperature of the substrate falls below this then, condensation can occur on the 
substrate potentially compromising any subsequent print run, especially any subsequent 
print run with water soluble ink such as enzyme ink. Control of the substrate temperature, 


WO 2004/040285 


for example between the limits of room temperature and dew point, may therefore be 
important for a successful print run. Control of temperature of and/or time passing over 
chilled rollers 212, 219, 225, and 231 is important in controlling substrate temperature. A 
feedback control loop can be used to measure the substrate temperature for example 
relative to the room temperature and/or dew point (given the room's humidity) to control 
the temperature of the chilled rollers and the temperature of the substrate as it leaves the 
roller and approaches the next print station. 

Figure 2C is a schematic diagram depicting section 6 and section 7 of a web 
printing process according to the present invention. In Figure 2C, Section 6 is second 
enzyme print station 1 06, Second enzyme print station 1 06 includes fifth chilled roller 
23 1, fifth accumulator 232, fifth print roller 233, fourth vision sensor 234, fifth drive roller 
235, fifth drier zone 236, Y registration system 237 and outbound nip roller 238. In the 
embodiment of the invention illustrated in Figure 2C, section 7 is rewinder unit 1 07. 
Rewinder unit 107 includes steering mechanism 239, first rewind arbor 240 and second 
rewind arbor 241. 

In a process according to the present invention, section 6 of the web 
manufacturing process is where the second enzyme printing takes place. In section 6, the 
enzyme ink artwork for the electrochemical sensors manufactured in accordance with the 
present invention is printed utilizing screen-printing. The purpose of applying 2 coatings ' 
of the enzyme ink is to ensure complete coverage of the carbon electrodes and so that the 
electrodes are substantially even and free of voids. The basic components of the second 
enzyme print station 106 are illustrated in Figures 6 and 7. In particular, a suitable print 
station according to the present invention includes a screen 301, lower print roller 303, 
print roller 600, a flood blade 603, a squeegee holder 605 and a squeegee 606. In second 
enzyme print station 1 06, print roller 600 is fifth print roller 23 3 . 

In a flood cycle process in accordance with the present invention, screen 301 is 
charged with ink 604 by moving squeegee 606, flood blade 603, print roller 600, and lower 
print roller 303, in first direction 608 which corresponds to the web movement of substrate 


WO 2004/040285 


242. Screen 301 is moved in second direction 607 opposite to first direction 608 of 
substrate 242 for the flood cycle where ink 604 is charged onto screen 301 . 

In a subsequent print cycle process in accordance with the present invention, as 
illustrated in Figure 7, squeegee 606 transfers ink 604 through the screen 301 and onto 
substrate 242. During the print cycle, the squeegee 606, flood blade 603, print roller 600, 
and lower print roller 303 all move in second direction 607 which is opposite to the web 
movement of substrate 242. Screen 301 is moved in first direction 608 which corresponds 
to the web movement of substrate 242 for the print cycle where ink 604 is pushed through 
screen 301 and deposited on substrate 242. One embodiment of the screen printing 
mechanism is described in more detail in issued US patent 4,245,554 which is incorporated 
by reference herein, 

hi particular, in second enzyme print station 106, the ink in question is an 
enzyme ink. In this embodiment of the current invention, screen 301 is flooded with ink 
604 prior to using squeegee 606 to transfer the ink 604 through the screen and onto 
substrate 242. The printed enzyme artwork deposited on substrate 242 is then dried using, 
for example, hot air at 50°C directed onto the printed surface of the substrate using two 
separate drying banks within a fourth drier zone 236, which is illustrated in more detail in 
Figure 15. An example of a suitable ink for use in second enzyme print station 106 is the 
same as the enzyme ink used in first enzyme print station which is described in 
aforementioned Table 2. 

In one embodiment of the present invention, after the second enzyme printing 
process and immediately after drying, the substrate 242, including printed carbon, 
insulation, and enzyme ink patterns, is passed over fifth chilled roller 231 which is 
designed to rapidly cool substrate 242 to a predetermined temperature. In one embodiment 
of the web manufacturing process according to the present invention the surface of the fifth 
Chilled roller 231 is approximately 18°C. Fifth chilled roller 23 1 maybe cooled to an 
appropriate temperature using, for example, factory chilled water at around 7°C Reducing 
the temperature of substrate 242 and maintaining the temperature of substrate 242 is 


WO 2004/040285 


beneficial because cooler temperatures reduces the probability of ink drying on the screens 
and creating blocks in the mesh. The use of chilled rollers in a web manufacturing process 
according to the present invention can also be beneficial because it reduces the amount of 
stretch in substrate 242, reducing registration problems and the need to modify the process 
on the fly to compensate for such problems. 

Additionally, due to the high water content of the enzyme ink and the airflow 
due to the movement of the screen, it is crucial to ensure that the enzyme ink does not dry 
into the screen. As well as the chilled roller alleviating this by ensuring the substrate is 
cooled to 18°C before it encounters the enzyme screen-printing step, there is also topside 
and/or underside and/or side screen humidification, which can provide a stream of 
humidified air above and below the screen , ensuring the water content of the ink is 
maintained at a constant level. Typically the humidified air flows constantly over the 
screen. A suitable arrangement for providing topside and underside screen humidification 
according to the present invention is illustrated in Figure 3. 

Second enzyme print station 106 may include outbound nip roller 238, 
inspection system 237 for inspecting registration, third Y registration system at 237C (not 
shown) and barcode station (not shown). Outbound nip roller 238 helps control the tension 
of substrate 242 (specifically the tension between inbound nip roller 206 and outbound nip 
roller 238). Substrate 242 is removed from second enzyme print station 106 at a constant 
rate by outbound nip roller 238.. The Y registration system (not shown) at positons 237A, 
237 B and 237C controls the Y registration (i.e. across the web) of each print cycle during 
printing by utilizing the first Y registration marks 2101, second Y registration marks 2102, 
third Y registration marks 2103, fourth Y registration marks 2104 which are illustrated in 
Fig 21A. In one embodiment of the invention, first Y registration marks 2101, second Y 
registration marks 2102, third Y registration marks 2103, and fourth Y registration marks 
21 04 may correspond, respectively, to the Y registration of carbon print station 103, 
insulation print station 104, first enzyme print station 105, and second enzyme print station 
106. Each Y registration marks comprises 2 triangles that are juxtaposed in an orientation 


WO 2004/040285 


that approximates a rectangle. In one embodiment the Y registration system loeated at 
positions 237A, 237B and 237C can be implemented by an EltromatDGC650 from 
Eltromat Gmbh in Leopoldshohe, Gennany. 

In one embodiment of the present invention, the inspection system 237, may be 
hnplemented using the Eltromat Inspection System, model number PC3100 HD, which is 
commercially available from Eltromat Gmbh in Leopoldshohe, Germany. The inspects 
system237 has a vision component that inspects the registration marks illustrated in 
Figures 1 7 A to 1 9D and/or figure 20D and can be used as a tool in assessing whether a 
sensor sheet 21 06 should be rejected (for example by recording inspection results against a 
barcode in a database). 

Registration issues in the Y dimension (which canbe altered during printing by 
the registration system (not'sho'wn) which is located at 237A, 237B and 237C and/or 
inspected by inspection system 237 after all print stages are complete) may be ascribed to 
variationsmwebtensionornoa-uniformdistor«onstothesubs«rate242. Inan 

embodiment of the invention, the barcode station comprises the following commercally 

Cambridge, United Kingdom), barcode traverse system (Scottish Robotic Systems m 
Permsinre, Scotland), and bar^ ^ 
barcode station (no shown) labels each row of the sensor sheet 21 06 with a 2 dimensronal 
bar code. This provides eachrow of sensors a unique identifier code, batch/Lot number 
identification, the sensor sheetnumber, and row number. The barcode station also reads 
barcode immediately after printing to verify that the barcode has printed properly and 
provides a visual indicator to the machine operators. The barcode and process informatmn 
from sections 2 to 6 are stored in a database and used later to identify and subsequently 
reject/accept cards for future process. 

Rewinder unit 1 07 consists of, for example, a Martin Automatic Rewind 
System. This is the last section of the machine and allows the continuous rewind of 
substrate 242. Rewmder unit 107 consists of a first rewind arbor 240 and second rewind 


WO 2004/040285 


arbor 241 . First rewind arbor 240 holds a roll of substrate material 242 and continuously 
pulls material from second enzyme print station 106. Second rewind arbor 241 holds a 
standby roll of material, which automatically splices a first roll of substrate 242 into a 
second roll on the completion of the roll of substrate 242 from first rewind arbor 240. This 
continuous process repeats from first rewind arbor 240 to second rewind arbor 241. A 
flying splice, which occurs while the substrate 242 is still moving, is used to enable the 
continuous rewind of substrate 242. The splice is placed directly onto a fresh roll of 
substrate material 242 which is primed with double sided pressure sensitive adhesive. 

Figure 3 is a schematic diagram depicting the humid environment around a fifth 
and sixth sections of the web printing. The basic components used to provide the means 
for humidification of the web printing environment are illustrated in Figure 3 which 
includes top humid air 300, screen 301 , bottom humid air 302, lower print roller 303, pipe 
304 comprising multiple perforations 400, substrate 242, and either fourth print roller 227 
or fifth print roller 233. Humidification and temperature is set to try and ensure that the 
properties of the enzyme ink do not change to any significant extent over time during the 
flood and print cycle and preferably over the life of the print run. in particular, it is 
desirable that the viscosity and water content of the enzyme ink not change over time 
during the flood and print cycle and preferably over the life of the print run.. The enzyme 
ink is approximately 63% water. A constant water content ensures that the amount of ink 
laid down onto the substrate 242 is consistent. If the water content of the ink changes 
during the printing process, this can lead to variations in the enzyme layer thickness. 
Additionally, loss of moisture from the enzyme ink shall lead to the enzyme drying on 
screen 301 resulting in poor print definition and a reduction in the amount of ink laid onto 
substrate 242. The humid air inside either first enzyme print station 1 05 or second enzyme 
print station 106 is maintained between 85 to 95% relative humidity. Top humid air 300 
and bottom humid air 302 is pumped onto both sides of screen 301 to maintain the desired 
relative humidity. A side pipe 305 is arranged to one side of the web and introduces 
humidified air to the web on one side immediately adjacent the enzyme print stations. The 
nature and type of humidification arrangements can be varied to suit the size and shape of 
the print station and the humidification requirements of that type of ink at that print station 


WO 2004/040285 


in that environment Oftenahood can be used to enclose the upper and/or lower side of the 
screen so that humidified air can be delivered into the hood directly adjacent the screen and 
retained within the vicinity of the screen by the presence of the hood. If the hood is 
m ounted on theupper screen frame, as is typically the case, thehood may have a slot in the 
x direction (the direction of printing) to allow the squeegee to move in relation to the 
screen during the normal flood/print cycle. 

Figure 4 is a bottom view depicting the humid environment around a fifth and 
sixth sections of the web printing. The basic components used to provide the means for 
humidification of the web printing environment are also illustrated in Figure 4 which 
includes top humid air 300, screen 301 .bottom humid air 302, pipe with perforations 304, 
and perforations 400, side pipe at 305 (not shown). A pipe 304 with several perforations 
400 is positioned underneath screen 301 as a means for blowing bottom humid air 302 to 
maintain the viscosity of the enzyme ink on screen 301 . Figure 5 is a perspective view of 
pipe 304 with perforations 400 to blow bottom humid air 302. 

Figure 8 is a schematic diagram depicting 2 different squeegee angles which 
includes a substrate 242, print roller 600, and squeegee 606. The angle of the squeegee 800 
can be varied to optimize the definition of the print area. In an embodiment of the 
m ventionmeangleofmesqueegeec^bel5 + /-5andpreferably + /-lto2 degrees. Note 

that the contact point of the squeegee 606 to print roller 600 is the same for every squeegee 

angle 800. 

Figure 9 is a schematic diagram depicting 2 different squeegee positions which 
includes substrate 242, print roller 600, lower print roller 303, squeegee 606, first squeegee 
position 900, and second squeegee position 901. The squeegee position is the position of 
the squeegee relative to the center of the print roller 600. The squeegee position can have a 
major effect on the thickness of printed ink. The position of the squeegee can be varied to 
optimize the definition of the print area. 


WO 2004/040285 


Figure 1 0 is a schematic diagram depicting a screen snap distance (1 000) which 
includes substrate 242, print roller 600, lower print roller 303, and screen 301; In one 
embodiment of the invention, screen snap distance (1000) is the closest distance between 
screen 301 and substrate 242. In a prefeired embodiment of this invention, screen snap 
setting (1000) may be approximately 0.7mm. If the screen snap setting (1000) is set too 
high, squeegee 606 cannot sufficiently deflect screen 301 to transfer ink 604 onto substrate 
242 with sufficient print definition. If the screen snap setting (1000) is set too low, screen 
301 will smear ink 604 from a previous print cycle causing insufficient print definition. 

Figure 1 1 illustrates an exploded view of a preconditioning zone 211 which 
comprises first drive roller 2 1 0, hot plate 1 1 00, first heater bank 1 101 , second heater bank 
1 102, and third heater bank 1 1 03. In an embodiment of the invention, hot plate 1 1 00 
contacts the unprinted side of substrate 242. In a preferred embodiment of this invention, 
hot plate 1 1 00 may be coated with Teflon and may be heated to approximately 1 60°C. In 
an embodiment of the invention, first heater bank 1 101, second heater bank 1 102, and third 
heater bank 1 1 03 blow hot air at approximately 1 60°C. This may be varied to suit the 
substrate type and/or thickness and/or any pretreatment and/or later temperatures 
encountered in the process as would be understood by those skilled in the art. 

Figure 12 illustrates an exploded view of a first drying zone 217 which 
comprises second chilled roller 2 1 8, second drive roller 2 1 6, first drier bank 1 200A, second 
drier bank 1 101 A, third drier bank 11 02A, and fourth drier bank 11 03 A. In an 
embodiment of the invention, first drier bank 1200A, second drier bank 1 101 A, third drier 
bank 1 102A, and fourth drier bank 1 103 A blow hot air at approximately 140°C although 
this may be varied as would be understood by those skilled in the art from the description 

Figure 1 3 illustrates an exploded view of a second drying zone 224 which 
comprises third drive roller 223, first drier bank 1200B, second drier bank 1 101B, third 
drier bank 11 02B, and fourth drier bank 1103 B. In an embodiment of the invention, first 
drier bank 1200B, second drier bank 1 101B, third drier bank 1 102B, and fourth drier bank 



WO 2004/040285 

md e^ bj 0^ i° the art tan descnption herem. 

Hffire 14 » exploded view of a third drying zone 230 which 
c^fonrthdriveroUer 229,ta. drierbank , 2M C, and second drier benknOlC. In 
. embodimen. of the invention M drier bank f20»C and seoond dne, bank >W 
Mow, ho. air «. *fC altbongh this may be varied as wonld be ooderstood 

by those skilled in die art tan die description herein. 

Figmel5ilb^es.nexplod«dviewofa fonrth .hying zone 236 which 
c^prisesttihdriven^.Wdrierb- ,2C»D, and second drie, ban, '•"'">• to 

mm ho. air a. approximately 50'C althoogh dns »>a, be varied as womd be nnd^ood 
by those skilled in Ihe art horn die description herein. 

Figure .6 iliusnates an exploded view of a fa. cl«mngonit 204 which 

M b,»« poller rodees ,60! Ore .op and bodom s,de of snbrtrate 242 and 
Wen, particnlaWforeign material to tacky rollm 1600. 

Hgrnns.7Atol7Dillns.mte views of anh^onlnytftocaabonlayespnn. 
foim end»diMen.„fdaotovenrionwid, P ™per,egis M doa Note that Figure 17 A 
— toe.oplog.Figme.TB^toprighkFigtn.nCd.ebonomleftondBgnre 

M in hgo,. 2. A In one embodiment of mis invention, carbon pnn. s ahon .03 
prints caabon layer whichcomprisesasolid carbon re ctongle HOOamron. =db,n 
mobmgma, camo. line .20, onto snbsbate 242. In a snbsermen, prim cycle msnladon 
print stori„„lMprin B r«.a»g..»insm»don,toe.70 1 on,.s„bstoate242whteb» 

,703 ^ 
typify theremaybe no oncoa.ed snbsteate 242, toe r.ctangola, 


WO 2004/040285 


insulating line 1701 and solid carbon rectangle 1700. The registration of insulation layer to 
carbon layer can be checked manually by an operator or can be checked using second 
vision sensor 222, which in one embodiment comprises a camera pointed at each corner of 
the substrate. Typically this forms part of the initialization at the start of the print run. An 
operator can view all four corners of the substrate adjacent one another on a TV screen. 
The operator can then visually inspect the registration of insulation to caibon during this 
initialization process (and indeed during the remainder of the print run) and can make 
whatever adjustments are necessary to bring the insulation and carbon prints into 
registration. It should be appreciated that the web viewer 222 (comprising , for example, 4 
cameras pointed at locations above four corner of the substrate card) views and forwards 
for display a snapshot of each of the four corners of each card. Thus the corners of each 
card are only viewed for a fraction of a second on the display since the substrate beneath 
the viewing cameras is constantly being replaced as the web travels through the apparatus. 
This system enables an operator to see instantly the effects any adjustment he may make* 
has on the insulation to carbon registration. Adjustments the operator may make include, 
but are not limited to, screen print stroke, snap height, squeegee pressure, screen position 
relative to tf Y" direction, screen position in relation to 9 (Theta). Once the viewer 
registration has been set up on this and other print stations (using viewers 228 and 234) the 
automatic internal X registration system (using marks 2107 and 2108) and the automatic Y 
registration system (for example, registration systems located at positions 237A, 237B and 
237C using marks 2101 to 2104) are allowed to take over and monitor and automatically 
coirect X and Y registration during printing. Marks 1700 to 1703 shown in figures 17A to 
20 D can be used for automatic X and Y registration during printing as an alternative or in 
addition to using marks 2101 to 2104 and 2107 and 2108 as would be understood by those 
skilled in the art from the description herein. 

Figure 1 8 illustrates a view of an insulation layer to carbon layer for an 
embodiment of the invention with improper registration when the insulation artwork is 
longer in the direction of printing than the carbon artwork. This may occur even if the 
carbon and insulation screen are the same size in this dimension because of the substrate 
may have stretched or the screen stroke may be different in each stage (a slower screen 



WO 2004/040285 


bottom left, andFigarelSDAebottomright of sensor **2106. When the insulation 
.ayertocarbonlayerregistrationisimproper at oneofthe four comers uncoated substrate 
2 42canbeob S ervedbetweenmerectan^^ 

rectangle 1700. The registration of insulation layer to carbon layer can be checked 
manually by an operator using second vision sensor 222. 

Figure 19 illustrates a view of an insulation layer to carbon layer for an 
embodiment of the invention with improper registration when the printed insulation 
artwork is shorter than that of the carbon print (for example, the screen stroke for the 
insulation print may be longer than thatofthe carbon, or the insulation screen may be 
shorter than that of the carbon print station) Note mat Figure 19A represents the top left, 
Figure 19B the top right, Figure 19C thebottom left, and Figure 19D the bottom right of 
sensor sheet 2 1 06. When the insulation layer to carbon layer registration is ^proper at 
one of the four comers uncoated substrate 242 can be observed between the rectangular 
insulating line!701 and solid carbon rectangle 1700. The registration of insulation layer to 
carbon layer can be checked manually by an operator using second vision sensor 222. 
Figures 20A to 20 D are schematic diagrams depicting the results of a process for pruning 
a second view guide 2002 (see Figure 21 A) which comprises solid carbon rectangle 1700, 
hollow insulation rectangular line 1701,hollow carbon rectangle 1703, solid rectangle from 
the first enzyme layer 2000, solid rectangle from the second enzyme layer 2001 , and 
uncoated substrate 242. Optionally, such prints ean also be used during manufacture by 
automatic ongoing inspection systems such as inspection system 237 in section 6 (after the 
second enzyme print). Ongoing registration is typically otherwise carried out by a 
registration system (not shown) at positions 237A, 237B and 237C in the «Y» direction 
and bya registration control system looking at marks 2105 (see figure21A)in the "X" 

Figure 21 A is an example of a sensor sheet with a first view guide 2100 and 
second view guide 2002; first Y registration marks 21 01 , second Y registration marks 


WO 2004/040285 


2102, third Y registration marks 2103, and fourth Y registration marks 2104; and X 
registration marks 2105. Note that X registration marks 2105 comprises carbon X 
registration mark 2107 and insulation X registration mark 2108. Figure 21B is an exploded 
view of one row within sensor sheet 2106 with a carbon X registration mark 21 07 and 
second view guide 2002. Figure 21 C is an exploded, view of one row within sensor sheet 
21 06 with an insulation X registration mark 2 1 08 and second view guide 2002. Insulation 
X mark 2108 entirely overcoats carbon X registration mark 2107 as illustrated in Figure 
21 C and in doing so provides a trigger point (left hand edge say of mark 21 08) in advance 
of that of the original carbon mark 2107. This means that any subsequent layers are printed 
in relation to, the second printed layer (in this case the insulation layer) rather than the 
carbon layer. This can be useful say if the second and subsequent screen artwork 
dimensions are longer in the X direction (along the web) than the first screen artwork 
dimension in the X direction. 

An exploded view of one corner of the print guides is shown in Figure 20A-D, 
in the sequence in which they are printed. At section 3 of carbon print station 103, a solid 
carbon rectangle 1 700 is printed along with a rectangular carbon line 1 703, which 
surrounds the solid carbon rectangle 1700. At section 4 of insulation print station 104, a 
rectangular insulation line 1701 is printed between the solid carbon rectangle 1 700 and the 
rectangular carbon line 1703. When insulation to carbon registration is correct at all four 
comers typically there will be no uncoated substrate 242 showing between solid carbon 
rectangle 1 700 and rectangular insulating line 1 701 . Additionally, at section 4 of insulation 
print station 1 04, there are two more rectangular insulation lines 1 701 printed directly 
above the solid carbon rectangle 1700. These two additional insulation lines are used to 
visually assess the registration of first enzyme layer 2000 to the insulation layer and second 
enzyme layer 2001 to the insulation layer, this is done so by printing a solid rectangle of 
enzyme ink within the rectangular insulation line as illustrated in Figure 20C and 20D. 
Thus the third and fourth printed layers can be registered to the second and not to the first 
printed layers. This has the advantage that a change in artwork size between the first and 
second layers (which may be required should the substrate stretch after the first print 
station for example due to the heat and tension encountered in the first drying zone 21 7) 


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can be accommodated without adverse effect on print registration (a tolerance of 300pm is 
typical in the X direction). 

As illustrated in Figures 1 and 2, at the end of the process, substrate 242, 
including** sensors printed thereon is rewound by rewinder unit 107 and is then fed into 
punchlOS, which may be, for example, a Preco punch which is located withinalow 
humidity environment. The Preco Punch is a CCD X, Y, Theta, Floating Bolster Punch. 
The Preco Punch registration system uses a CCD vision system to look at "Preco Dots" 
which are printed on the Carbon print station, these allow the punch to adjust to the carbon 
print and enable the punch to "pouch" the cards out square. The output of Punch 108 is a 
set of punched cards such as those illustrated in Figure 21 A. Punched cards are ejected 
from punch 1 08 onto a conveyer belt, this conveyer belt transports the cards under a 
barcode reader which reads two of the barcodes on each card to identify whether the card » 
accept or reject in relation to the Web Database. Automatic or manual extraction of 
rejected cards can carried out The cards are then stacked on top of one another in 
preparation for the next manufacturing step. 

At carbon print station 103, insulation print station 104, first enzyme print 
station 1 05, and second enzyme print station 1 06 all have a means for visually inspecting 
the registration immediately after the printing process step using first vision sensor 215, 
second vision sensor 222, third vision sensor 228, fourth vision sensor 234, respectively. 
For each section in the web printing manufacturing process - Section 3, 4, 5 and 6 - there 
are Web Viewer camera systems located immediately after the printing process step. See 
Figure's 2A-2C for web viewer locations. There are two cameras at Section 3 and four 
cameras each at Section 4, 5 and 6. The web viewer cameras are part of a manual set-up 
process used by the Web machine operators during the start of the print run. The cameras 
are used to view printed marks, which aid the initial set-up of carbon alignment to substrate 
242 and registration between insulation layer to carbon layer, first enzyme layer to 
insulation layer, and second enzyme layer to insulation layer. The printing guides are 
" illustrated indicated on Figure 21A. For carbon print alignment, second view guide 2100 » 
used to indicate the carbon print position in relation to the edge of substrate 242 as it runs 


WO 2004/040285 


through carbon print station 103. There is a leading line and a trailing line as illustrated in 
Figure 21 A. The carbon print is adjusted until the lines indicate that the print is square to 
the substrate edge. Registration of the individually printed layers is required in the X 
direction (along the length of the machine) and the Y direction (across the width of the 
machine) See Figure 2 1 A. X direction registration is controlled by the internal registration 
system of the machine. This utilizes the printed areas indicated on Figure 21 A, B and C. 
On the Carbon print, cycle a carbon X registration mark 2107 is printed in this area. The 
Insulation printing cycle is registered to the Carbon print using sensors which use carbon X 
registration mark 2107 to allow the insulation screen to adjust in order to print the 
insulation ink in the correct position. The carbon X registration mark 21 07 used for this 
1 purpose is then over printed with insulation X registration mark 21 08 and is utilized in the 
same manner to correctly register first enzyme layer 2000 and second enzyme layer 2001 
with the insulation print. Y direction registration is controlled by Y registration system 
(not shown) located at positons 23 7A, 237B and 237C which in one embodiment of the 
invention may be an Eltrornat registration system, model number DGC650 from 
Leopoldshohe, Germany. This utilizes the printed areas 2101 to 2104 indicated in Figure 
21 A. On each print cycle - Carbon, Insulation, Enzymel and Enzyme2 - these marks are 
printed in order that the subsequent print is registered, via sensors, in the Y direction. The 
Web Database records process information during printing. Information recorded in the 
database can be traced back to each individual card via a barcode, in one embodiment a 2D 
barcode is used. Typical information gathered in the Web database is outlined in Table 3. 
The Web Database has the ability to assess whether a process parameter is Acceptable or 


Unacceptable and can be used to reject cards on this basis - whether the parameters were 
running within there tolerance limit. Unacceptable cards may be removed at future 
processes either manually or automatically. 

Table 3. 

Hot Plate 1 of 

Drier Bank 1 

Drier Bank 1 

Drier Bank 1 

Drier Bank 1 


WO 2004/040285 



Drier Bank 2 

Drier Bank 3 

Drier Bank 4 


Drier Bank 2 

Drier Bank 3 

Drier Bank 4 
of 2 



Drier Bank 2 
of 3 

Drier Bank 3 

Drier Bank 4 



Drier Bank 2 


Inside Hood 

Inside Hood 

Hood %RH 


Drier Bank 2 


Inside Hood 

Inside Hood 

Hood %RH 

Hood Temp 

Hood Temp 

Web Tension 

Web Speed 

Figure 22 is a schematic diagram of parameters X, Y, Z, and 9 used to register 
the web printing process. The parameter Y represents the direction from the operator to the 
machine side of the web printing machine (typically horizontal). The parameter X 
represents the direction from unwind unit 101 to rewinder unit 107 (typically horizontal). 
The parameter Z represents the direction perpendicular to the X and Y directions (typically 
vertical). The parameter 9 represents the angle around the Z axis. In an embodiment of this 
invention, the following parameters are used to register the following print process such as, 
for example, carbon print station 103, insulation print station 104, first enzyme print station 
1 05, and second enzyme print station 106. 


WO 2004/040285 


In one embodiment of the present invention, the output of the web 
manufacturing process is cards printed with artwork comprising Carbon, Insulation and 
two identical Enzyme layers printed in register with one another to form strips each 
containing an electrochemical sensor and associated contact electrodes for detecting 
Glucose in a blood sample. The strips are used for self-monitoring of blood glucose in 
conjunction with a meter. Productions of several designs of strips are envisaged. At present 
the web is designed to produce "One Touch Ultra" strips for use in the One Touch Ultra 
meter which is available from LifeScan, Inc. 

A schematic diagram sample of the artwork produced is in Figure 21 A. This 
illustrates one complete printed card, which contains 10 "Rows" of 50 "Strips". There are a 
total of 500 "Strips" per card. Print orientations are also indicated. By printing rows 0 to 9 
(each of 50 strips) parallel to the direction of print, the process can be easily extended to 
inclusion of a cutting step separating one row from another. Furthermore this means that 
any defective rows resulting from cross web variation in print quality (perpendicular to the 
direction of print)can be identified easily. Each row is allocated a number^identifled by a 
barcode) and therefore specific rows from specific sheets on the web can later be identified 
with reference to the database and eliminated without the need to reject the whole sheet. 
This increases the yield of usable product from the process and renders the whole process 
more efficient. 

The movable substantially flat screen copes well with the types of ink 
(solid/liquid combinations) used in the printing of electrochemical sensors. The use of a 
movable flat screen can enable better control of print definition and the deposition of the 
thicker layers of ink needed in electrochemical sensors than may be allowed by rotogravure 
or cylinder screen printing. A variety of types of screen (with different mesh, diameter of 
thread in the mesh, thread separation, thickness, mesh count ) are readily commercially 
available to cope with the different requirements of different types of ink in the continuous 
web printing process (carbon, insulation, en2yme). 



WO 2004/040285 

Because of the arrangement of the flat screen, print roller, substrate and a 
squeegee urging the screen towards the substrate, a variety of parameters are available to 
be manipulated (screen to substrate angle, squeegee angle, screen to squeegee posmon, 
sqneeg^toprMtouer position, snap distance, relative speeds of substrate and screen and 
squeegee etc) to optimize the print process for electrochemical sensors. 

To summarize briefly in a web manufacturing process for manufacturing 
electrochemical sensors, the web expands or stretches as it is heated up and placed under 
tension during the process. The printing stations (for example carbon, insulation, two 
enzyme) typically each are followed by a drying station. In order to dry the inks efficrently 
the drier stations operate at quitehigh temperatures (50-140 degrees centigrade). 
Furthermore to aid registration of the web through each printing station, the web rs placed 
under tension. 

The substrate has to be kept under tension to control registration within the 
process, as a result, whenever the substrate is heated for example to dry the inks after 
printing, the substrate will stretch unpredictably causing image size variation in subsequent 

The size of the image printed at each print station is determined by several 
factors (stencil size, ink viscosity, relative web and stencil/screen speed and substrate 
stretch at that point (both reversible and irreversible stretch) etcThe image size vanatron 
(between different printing steps) when looked at the end of the process was found to vary. 
It was unpredictable and higher than expected significantly reducing yields. If the 
mismatch between image sizes between layers is greater than SOOmicrons along the web 
(x-direction), the product will not work. The excessive hnage size variation was thought to 
be due to excessive and unpredictable stretching (due to heating and tension) and shnnking 
of the web substrate. 

The problem of stretch and tension does not cause the same problems in flat bed 
printing. Tosolvethe P roblemintheweb P rocess >P re-shrunksubstratewasrried. The 


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substrate was heated to around 1 85 degrees centigrade before being used in the web 
process. However, the variation in image size remained a problem, and caused reduced 

The current proposal for the web process is the use of high temperatures in a 
first drier or rather preconditioned at a sufficiently high temperature so that in one example, 
irreversible stretch is substantially removed from the substrate, prior to an image being 
printed on the substrate. 

In a first processing station in the web machine, a drier bank heats the substrate 
up to 1 60 degrees centigrade. The temperatures encountered by the substrate later in the 
process, typically do not exceed 140 degrees. 

In figure 2A the first heater bank that the unprinted substrate encounters is the 
hot plate. This is a Teflon coated plate, which lifts and contacts the substrate during motion 
of the web. The heat is introduced to the back face of the substrate. This is currently 
running at a set point of 160°C with a specification of +A 4°C. The 160°C set point 
statistically provided the best dimensional control. The calculated mean is 160.9°C. In 
Bank 2 hot air is introduced to the front face of the substrate at a set point of 160°C with a 
specification of +/- 4°C. The calculated mean is 1 61 .29°C. In Bank 3 hot air is introduced 
to the front face of the substrate at a set point of 160°C with a specification of +/- 4°C. The 
calculated mean is 161.18°C. In Bank 4 hot air is introduced to the front face of the 
substrate at a set point of 160°C with a specification of +/- 4°C. The calculated mean is 

As a result of the web tension and the heat introduced in the drier, the web 
substrate is stretched by approximately 0.7mm per artwork repeat. This was one of the 
primary reasons for utilizing Station 1 as a preconditioning unit to stabilize the substrate 
prior to subsequent printing stations. The use of Station 1 to precondition the substrate 
improves the stability of Carbon and Insplarion Row Length since much of the material 
stretch has been removed from the substrate prior to printing. 



WO 2004/040285 

In one embodiment of the present invention, high temperatures are used in a 
first drier at a sufficiently high temperature so that irreversible stretch is substantially 
removed from the substrate prior to any image being printed on the substrate (i.e. prior the 
substrate reaching any print stations). In a first processing station in accordance with the 
present invention, a drier bank heats the substrate to a first temperature which is 
substantially higher than any temperature the substrate will encounter during the printing 
process. For example, if the highest temperature the substrate will encounter during the 
printing process is 1 40 degrees centigrade, the first temperature may be on the order of 
approximately 160 degrees centigrade. 

A method according to the present invention may be described by the following 
steps. The steps including pre-conditioning a continuous substrate by heating to a first 
temperature; printing an electrode layer on the substrate; exposing the electrode layer to a 
heat source so that the electrode layer is heated to a second temperature; optionally, the 
first temperature is greater than the second temperature. In further embodiments, the 
method may also include the steps of printing an insulation layer on a continuous 
substrate; exposing the insulation layer to a heat source so that the insulation layer is heated 
to a third temperature wherein the the first temperature may be greater than the third 

In a further embodiment of the present invention, the substrate is pulled off a 
roll at a predetermined tension and passed over a first heater bank which, in one 
embodiment may be a Teflon coated hot plate. The hot plate lifts and heats the substrate as 
it passes over the hot plate. Heat is thus introduced to the back face of the substrate. The 
hot plate may be adjusted to heat the substrate to a temperature of approximately 1600C 
+/- 5oC. The substrate then moves to a second heater bank where side of the substrate 
opposite the hot plate is heated by hot air which has a temperature of approximately 
1600C with a specification of +/- 5oC. The substrate then moves to a third heater bank 
where side of the substrate opposite the hot plate is heated by hot air which has a 
temperature of approximately 1600C +/- 5oC. The substrate then moves to a fourth heater 


WO 2004/040285 


bank where side of the substrate opposite the hot plate is heated by hot air which has a 
temperature of approximately 1600C +/- 5oC. 

As a result of the web tension and the heat introduced in the drier, the web 
substrate is preconditioned, thus reducing the stretching in subsequent process steps in a 
continuous manufacturing process. 

It will be recognized that equivalent structures may be substituted for the 
structures illustrated and described herein and that the described embodiment of the 
invention is not the only structure which may be employed to implement the claimed 
invention, hi addition, it should be understood that every structure described above has a 
function and such structure can be referred to as a means for performing that function. 

While preferred embodiments of the present invention have been shown and 
described herein, it will be obvious to those skilled in the art that such embodiments are 
provided by way of example only. Numerous variations, changes, and substitutions will 
now occur to those skilled in the art without departing from the invention. It should be 
understood that various alternatives to the embodiments of the invention described herein 
may be employed in practicing the invention. It is intended that the following claims 
define the scope of the invention and that methods and structures within the scope of these 
claims and their equivalents be covered thereby. 


WO 2004/040285 




1 . A method of preconditioning a substrate in a web manufacturing process wherein said 
web manufacturing process includes a plurality of printing steps, said method comprising 
the steps of: 

moving said substrate through said web process under tension; 
heating said substrate as said substrate is passed through said printing steps, 
wherein said substrate temperature does not exceed a first predetermined 
temperature during said printing steps; and 

passing said substrate into a preconditioning station wherein said substrate is heated 
to a second predetermined temperature which exceeds said first predetermined 

2. A method according to Claim 1 wherein said second predetermined temperature is not 
met or exceeded during subsequent stages of said web process. 

3. A method according to Claim 2 wherein said second predetermined temperature i; 
approximately 140°C. 

4. A method according to Claim 2 wherein said preconditioning station includes at 1 
one surface cleaning station adapted to remove impurities from said substrate. 

5. A method according to Claim 2 wherein said first predetermined temperature is 
approximately 1 60°C. 


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6. A method according to Claim 1 wherein said substrate is stretched at a predetermined 
tension prior to being heated to said second predetermined temperature. 

7. A method according to Claim 6 wherein said predetermined tension is not exceeded 
during subsequent stages of said web process. 

8. A method according to Claim 7 wherein said second predetermined temperature is not 
met or exceeded during subsequent stages of said web process. 

9. A method according to Claim 8 wherein said preconditioning station includes at least 
one surface cleaning station adapted to remove impurities from said substrate. 

10. A method according to Claim 7 wherein said predetermined tension is approximately 
165N and said second predetermined temperature is approximately 140°C. 

1 1 . A method according to Claim 7 wherein said predetermined tension is approximately 
165N and said first predetermined temperature is approximately 160°C. 

12. A method according to Claim 1 wherein said second predetermined temperature is a 
temperature sufficient to remove the irreversible stretch from said substrate. 


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FIG. 10 

FIG. 11 

FIG. 12 

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FIG. 15 FIG. 16 

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Top Left of Card Top Right of Card 

FIG. 17A FIG. 17B 

Bottom Left of Card Bottom Right of Card 

FIG. 17C FIG. 170 

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Top Left of Card 

Top Right of Card 

FIG. 18A 

FIG. m 

Bottom Left of Card 



FIG. 18C 


Bottom Right of Card 


FIG. 18D 


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Top Left of Card Top Right of Card 

FIG. 19A FIG. 19B 

Bottom Left of Card Bottom Right of Card 

FIG.19C FIG.19D 

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X Direction 

(Print Direction) 

FIG. 21 A 

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f/G. 22